New York Strip vs Sirloin (5 Important Facts to Know)

When it comes to steak, there are a lot of options to choose from. But what’s the difference between a New York strip and sirloin? And which one is better? This is a tough question for meat lovers to answer, as both cuts of beef are delicious and tender. This blog post will provide you with all the answers.

New York Strip vs Sirloin butchery display counter

New York Strip vs Sirloin 

You’re walking through the butcher section at the grocery store, trying to decide between two cuts of meat that look very similar. One is labeled “New York strip” and the other is labeled “Sirloin”. Can you tell yourself what the main difference is between these different types of steak, or does it seem like a decision based purely on taste or price? 




Sirloin Overview

The sirloin area is at the rear of the cow, between the last rib bone and the hips. It consists of top and bottom sirloin. Top sirloin is the portion of the sirloin between the hip joint and the femur. Bottom sirloin is the portion of the sirloin between the hip joint and the tibia, or shin bone. The sirloin, or strip, is the lean portion of the cow, and is used to make roasts. The sirloin and the tenderloin are the lean portions of the cow that are used to make roasts. 

The sirloin area is a tender, well-marbled cut of beef. It is the leanest and lowest in fat content of any beef muscle. The sirloin is made up of the bottom sirloin and the top sirloin. This area can be cut into steaks, or into strips. The top and bottom sirloin, or strip steak, is a lean, tender steak. 

The top sirloin is one of the leanest and lowest in fat content of any beef muscles. It is a tender, mild-flavored cut that can be cooked in any manner. It is usually trimmed of fat and sinew, and then trimmed of any remaining exterior fat. The top sirloin is often used in the top round on your dinner table. 

The bottom sirloin is a very lean muscle that is well suited for roasting. It is trimmed of both fat and sinew, and is usually sliced for roasting. Because the flap area of the bottom sirloin is an extension of the flank and is quite rough, it is only utilized for steak on rare occasions. It’s frequently mashed up and marketed as hamburger or stew meat.

The sirloin tenderloin is a tender, lean steak and can be sliced thinly and used for cordon bleu, or for a sandwich. The tenderloin makes a great steak, especially for filet mignon.




New York Strip Overview

New York strip, which originates from the top portion of the sirloin, is also known as Strip loin steak.  The New York Strip, which comes from the same underutilized muscle area as the Ribeye, is a delicate, highly flavorful steak with distinctive chew and a thick pad of fat down one side.

If you’re going to treat yourself to a good New York Strip, make sure it’s at least 1.5 inches thick and sold by a quality butcher. This is due to the fact that it may lack the same level of marbling as a rib eye steak, and the thickness aids in keeping it from drying out during cooking. 

A New York strip steak, often known as a NY strip steak or New York steak, is a great cut of steak made from the cow’s longissimus dorsi muscle. A NY strip steak is made from the short loin of a cow, which is found behind the rib portion and in front of the thigh section, where the tenderloin and sirloin muscles are located.

Because of the high muscle concentration in the area, this steak has a chewy texture and a meaty flavor when cooked.

New York strip is known for its very high quality, tenderness, and flavor. New York strip is traditionally served with a heavy dose of melted butter or with a dry and crispy crust. It is a very popular cut of meat in the United States.

A Kansas City strip steak or Kansas City steak, is a New York strip steak with a bone in it.

A T-bone steak is a New York strip steak that is both attached to the bone and includes tenderloin. It’s called a Porterhouse steak if the thickness of the steak is more than 1.25 inches.

A shell steak, boneless club steak, top loin, strip loin steak, sirloin, veiny steak, Omaha strip, ambassador steak, or hotel-style steak are all names for typical New York strip steaks.

How To Cook the New York strip steaks

New York strip or NY strip is a lean, tender, flavorful steaks from the underside of the cow. It is a popular cut for steaks, chops, and burgers. New York Strip is a lean cut with the rich marbling.

NY strip steaks are usually cooked to medium-rare, which is a result of the high moisture content of this lean cut of meat. The natural flavor of the meat is enhanced by cooking it medium to medium-rare.

To cook the New York strip steaks:

  • Season the steaks with a little salt and pepper.
  • Heat a dry pan until hot, and add a small amount of oil.
  • Sear the steaks for about 1 1/2 minutes on each side.
  • Remove the steaks from the pan and let them rest for about 5 minutes.
  • Just before serving, drizzle the steaks with a little lemon juice.
  • Serve the steaks with a medium-rare center, and serve them warm with a drizzle of lemon juice.


New York Strip vs Sirloin : Differences in More Detail

The choice between Sirloin and New York strip is largely based on personal preference and the method of preparation.

In terms of texture, fat content, affordability, and flavor, which steak comes out on top?

Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of Sirloin and New York strip.



It’s all about the location of a muscle when it comes to texture. The New York strip is a sirloin cut that does not get as much workout as the sirloin, giving it additional tenderness. Meat from parts of the animal with less connective tissue will be more tender. This means you can swiftly prepare New York Strip. This will help you save time while maintaining the great flavor. 

A noticeable fat cap and a good degree of marbling identify New York strip, both of which contribute to its juicy and tender texture. Because sirloin is leaner throughout, meat can become harsh and dry if cooked beyond medium.


Fat Content

The sirloin has lower fat content than the New York strip. If you’re searching for a lean, healthful cut of beef, the sirloin is the way to go as it doesn’t have much fat. Sirloin is a high-protein, low-fat, and low-calorie cut of beef. 



Choose top sirloin if you’re on a budget. New York Strip can cost about 40% to 60% more than top sirloin.



Technically, the New York Strip has more flavor. It has a stronger beefy flavor, at the very least. New York strip steak is distinguished by its marbling. New York Strip is the best choice for grilling because of its strong beef flavor, but you can also marinade top sirloin if that’s what you want. Be cautious, though, of its frailty. There isn’t much going on below all those lovely flavors without fat or oil. A small amount of fat runs along the top edge of the New York Strip, which serves to give moisture and flavor. A New York Strip is the steak to choose if you want a flavorful, easy-to-chew steak.


Cooking Method

The ribeye steak and the New York strip steak are extremely similar. As a result, you can prepare it the same way. To let the natural flavors of the red meat show through, keep the cooking as basic as possible.

The most basic spice for New York strip should be kosher salt. Keep it basic if you do decide to use a dry rub. It doesn’t need to be marinated for long because it has a moderate level of fat.

A two-part cooking process is best for a thick steak like a New York Strip. In a cast iron skillet, sear both sides first. After that, finish everything in the oven. For medium-rare steak, the recommended internal temperature should be 135 degrees F. You’ll get a lovely sear and the meat will be nicely done in the middle. 

When it comes to sirloin, it’s important not to overcook the cut. This cut of beef isn’t particularly forgiving due to the lack of fat. As a result, it should not be cooked past medium doneness. While rare isn’t required, the less you cook it, the better.

Herbs, and other simple seasonings will greatly enhance the flavor of this steak. Working a dry rub into the meat ahead of time is a good idea. This will kick up the flavor a notch or two. You can alternatively cook the steak in garlic and butter once it’s partly cooked. For medium-rare steak, the recommended internal temperature should be 135 degrees F.

Always set aside at least five minutes for these steaks to rest. This gives the meat enough time to absorb any fluids that may have spilled out. As a result, the meat is more juicy. 

The sirloin is the most tender cut of the beef, and is often used for beef steaks and roasts. The sirloin will have a rich, dark, marbled appearance. The top sirloin is often used for prime steaks. The bottom sirloin is often used for ground beef, and makes a good hamburger. 


Frequently Asked Questions About New York Strip vs Sirloin

What Is A Tomahawk Steak?

The tomahawk steak is a cut from the ribeye, a part of the cow that produces a well-marbled steak with a coarse grain, chewy texture, and outstanding beef flavor.

Unlike standard ribeyes seen in butcher shops, the tomahawk is distinguished by a long, curved bone that serves as a “handle” for grilling. 


What’s the Difference Between Flank and Skirt Steak?

Skirt and flank steak are both lean cuts of beef that are frequently grilled, pan-seared, or stir-fried.

The grain of skirt steak runs longitudinally, whereas the grain of flank steak runs across the width of the flesh. To get a tender slice, cut both steaks against the grain. 

The flank primal, which is positioned just next to the short plate, where the skirt is located, produces flank steak. It is thicker and has a less pronounced meaty flavor than the skirt.


What Is A Spencer Steak?

Spencer steak is a word used on the West Coast to describe boneless rib-eye steak. Delmonico steak, market steak, Scotch fillet and beauty steak are some of the other names for it.

A prime rib is used to make Spencer steak. Because huge regions of fat are often excised from Spencer steaks, they can be thinner than rib-eye steaks.


Final Thoughts

The flavor of the New York strip is superior to that of the sirloin steak. Sirloin is chewier and more flavorful than tenderloin steak, yet it’s still tender enough to benefit from high heat cooking techniques like grilling.

The fact that New York strip steak has more marbling distinguishes it from other steak cuts, and as a result, it is a more expensive cut.

You’ll be able to choose the proper type of steak for your cooking now that you know what distinguishes different cuts of steak. 

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