(2 Yummy Recipes) How Long To Cook A Turkey At 250 Degrees

Turkey is a delicious centerpiece to a holiday feast, and it can also be used in a myriad of other ways, from being used as the filling for a sandwich to being the base for a savory stew. Let’s go over how long to cook a turkey at 250 degrees F.

White Meat Vs Black Meat

Some people say that it is often difficult to cook a turkey perfectly, because the breasts can be moist but not tender, and the legs may be overcooked. This is likely due to the different ways that these parts cook.

Some people believe that the darker meat in turkeys is more flavorful than the white meat. The breast and wing muscles are mostly white, while the dark meat is found in around organs like the thighs and drumsticks.

Cooking the turkey for too long will make the breast meat coagulate, while not cooking it long enough may result in tough and chewy dark meat.

As you cook the turkey, the muscle fibers contract until they break down at around 165 degrees F. This causes proteins to unravel and the dense muscle meat to become softer. As proteins coagulate, moisture levels decrease and the turkey becomes dry. 

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that your turkey be cooked to a lowest safe temperature (internally) of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Measure the internal temperature in three places with a food thermometer: the thickest section of the breast, the innermost part of the wing, and the innermost part of the thigh.


How to Safely Thaw Turkey

It is important to allow a minimum of three days for a standard 12 to 15-pound turkey to thaw before roasting it. 

Other factors, like the temperature of your fridge and your turkey’s location in that fridge, will affect how long it takes your turkey to thaw.

The most efficient way to thaw your holiday turkey is by spending a few days in the fridge. It can take up to 24 hours per five pounds of turkey, but this process is completely hands-off. It is helpful to set the frozen turkey up on a rack to increase airflow for faster thawing.

To safely thaw your turkey, submerge it in cold water and change out the water every 30 minutes. This method will still take several hours, but is best for thawing and roasting a turkey on the same day.


How to Cook Turkey In Oven

This Christmas or Thanksgiving turkey recipe is suitable for turkeys weighing 20 pounds or less.

If you’re planning to cook a turkey in the oven, it’s best to remove it from the refrigerator at least several hours before you plan to bake it. This will let the turkey reach or come closer to room temperature, which may help ensure that it cooks through evenly.

Before heating the oven, adjust the rack according to the size of your turkey to ensure proper cooking. If the rack is too low, the turkey will take longer to cook and if it is too high, the turkey will overcook.

The middle rack of the oven is best for medium-sized turkeys, while one level lower is better for anything large birds over 20 pounds. If you plan to cook your turkey covered, make sure it fits in the oven with the rack position you chose.

Roasting racks have shallower sides than roasters, which allows the air to circulate around the turkey faster and result in extra-crispy skin. Covering the turkey with aluminum foil helps trap steam and moisture, while still allowing the skin to crisp up.

Preheat the oven to 475 degrees F. Use the “bake” function.

Melt some butter and apply it to the breast meat. Without removing the skin from the breast, gently separate it from the breast. You want to be able to get your hand between the skin and meat, so you will rub melted butter on top of the turkey breast between the skin and meat.

Pour the melted butter into the cavity of the turkey. Rub it all over to coat. Put some Rosemary and Thyme between the breast skin and the meat. Sprinkle a light layer of salt and pepper on the skin of the chicken. This will help make the skin crispy!

Don’t put stuffing in your turkey. It will make it tough to cook and can cause it to overcook.

Put the turkey in the oven, close the oven door, and let it cook until done. Don’t open the oven door until it’s finished cooking.

Place the turkey in a roasting pan and set it in the oven. Cook it for 20 minutes at 475 degrees F. Place the turkey breast up so that it is easier to insert the instant read thermometer later on.

Some people argue that putting the turkey breast down helps make it more juicy. You can choose to do this, or not, and it will still turn out great. The main reason turkey is often very dry is that it’s overcooked. We want to cook the turkey slowly so that it doesn’t get too dry. Opening the oven door to reduce the heat can cause problems. Let the heat come down on its own.

After 20 minutes, lower temperature to 250 degrees F. Cook the turkey at 250 degrees F. for 20 minutes for each pound. You should start timing the baking at 20 minutes per pound when you turn the oven down to 250 degrees F.

Some people believe that turkey has to be cooked at higher temperatures in order for it to be succulent. However, slow roast is the best way to achieve excellent results.

You can either cover the turkey for the second slow cooking phase or let it be uncovered. The skin will get crisper if you uncover it. After reducing the heat, wait about 15 minutes and then place the lid on the roasting pan.

Instead of opening the oven to check on the turkey, wait until it’s done cooking and then take it out. This way you’ll avoid losing heat and your turkey will be cooked more quickly.

It is not recommended to use a thermometer during the cooking process, because most electronic thermometers can’t withstand the initial 475 degrees F. temperature.

Following this slow-bake recipe is the best way to ensure a perfect cooked turkey. Keeping the oven door shut during the entire cooking process is key to preventing moisture from escaping and making sure that your turkey reaches its desired doneness.

When the turkey has reached the desired temperature, it is important to let it rest for at least 25 to 30 minutes before serving. The resting period allows for the juices to settle and be absorbed into the turkey.

How To Smoke a 20-Pound Turkey

A 20lb turkey should cook at a rate of about 30 to 40 minutes per pound at 225 degrees Fahrenheit or until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees F. (about 74 degrees C.) when measured in the thickest part of the thigh. 

If the temperature is increased to 250 degrees F., it will take 25 to 30 minutes to smoke each pound of turkey. Smoking a turkey this large at a smoker temperature above 225 degrees F. will keep it from spending too long in the “danger zone” between 40 and 140 degrees F.

Smoking a turkey that weighs 20 pounds is safe as long as you set the smoker temperature high enough.

Raw meat products, including turkey, should be stored at temperatures below 40 degrees F. or above 140 degrees F. If they are left in the “danger zone” between 40 and 140 degrees F. for longer than 4 hours, they can become breeding grounds for bacteria that cause food-borne illnesses.

If the smoker is set below 225 degrees F., the turkey will remain in the danger zone for too long and may not be safe to consume. We suggest treating the smoker more like an oven in this case, using the preferred method as a means to imbue meat with smoke flavor.

It is not recommended to stuff your turkey for smoking. Stuffed turkey will increase the cooking time and put a lot of food in contact with potential bacteria. 

To brine your turkey, add 1 cup of salt and 1/2 cup of sugar to each gallon of water. Stir until the salt and sugar are dissolved. Add the turkey to the water, making sure it is covered. Let it soak for 6 to 12 hours.

Before you cook your turkey, make sure to add some flavor with a spice rub. This is best done by rubbing it down with olive oil first.

Smoke builds up in the smoker as the turkey cooks, so now is a good time to start firing up the smoker. There are many different types of wood that can be used to make your smoke, and it’s up to you what you like the best. I like to use a mixture of hickory and cherry for a strong smoke flavor from the hickory, and a sweet flavor from the cherry wood.

Smoking a turkey overnight is an excellent way to ensure that it will be cooked through. Setting the smoker temperature to 225 or 250 degrees F. ensures plenty of time for the turkey to cook, without having to open it up every few hours.

Smoke a turkey before retiring for the evening. Set an alarm for no more than 10 hours later in order to prevent overcooking it. 

To take a reading on your turkey, look for the center of its breast and push the meat thermometer straight down into it. If you’re looking to measure thigh temperature, you’ll want to avoid getting the thermometer on any bone. You can check both sides of your turkey this way and find out which one has the lowest reading – that’ll be your target internal temperature.

When the turkey has reached safe internal temperature, it is important to let it rest for at least 25 to 30 minutes before carving. The resting period allows for the juices to settle and be absorbed into the turkey.

How Much Turkey To Serve Per Person

Cooking a whole turkey for 1.5 pounds per person is a good rule of thumb, but we like to aim higher in order to allow for heavier eaters and to make sure that there’s enough food available for everyone.

The turkey will weigh less than the amount listed on the package by the time you’re ready to cook. This is because the listed weight includes parts that need to be removed before cooking, like the neck and giblets.

When you purchase a turkey that is advertised as a 20-pounder, you’ll most likely get a 17 or 18-pound turkey by the time you’re ready to roast or smoke it. Luckily, there are many ways to use the turkey giblets and smoked turkey necks.


Pro-Tips About How Long To Cook A Turkey

Some recipes recommend that turkey be cooked to 180 degrees F., but the meat is safe to consume once it reaches the 165-degree mark. Cooking the turkey breasts past 165 degrees F. can result in dry meat, but dark meat like thigh can still be cooked to 180 degrees F.

Cooking meat to a safe temperature will kill any harmful bacteria that may be present.

Cook till the temperature of the breast reaches 165 degrees F to ensure that it is cooked perfectly. If cooked any further, the breast meat will become dry and stringy. Cooking leg and thigh meat past 180 degrees F. does not affect their quality, in fact,dark meat can be even more succulent if overcooked by 10 to 15 degrees provided it is consumed right away.

Rather than cooking turkey to an internal temperature of 180 degrees F, it’s now generally recommended that you remove it from the oven or smoker when its white meat reaches 165 degrees F. This will ensure that the turkey is cooked through without becoming dry.

Smoked turkey has a different flavor and color than oven roasted turkey.The meat may appear pink or have a smoother texture, which is normal due to the smoking process. Turkey that registers 165 degrees F. is safe to eat no matter the color.


Frequently Asked Questions About How Long To Cook A Turkey

Is it possible to roast a turkey at 200 degrees overnight?

Depending on the size of your turkey, a typical roasting temperature is around 325 degrees F for up to 8 hours. The low temperature and moisture are basting your turkey as you sleep as you slowly roast it at 200 degrees F for nearly 10 hours.


What is the best temperature to cook a turkey?

The best temperature to cook a turkey is 375 degrees Fahrenheit, because it’s not too hot, not too cold, and cooks quickly enough so that the turkey is ready by dinner time.


Is it safe to cook turkey directly from the refrigerator?

When it comes to cooking a turkey, make sure it is at room temperature before putting it in the oven. This will help ensure that the turkey cooks evenly and doesn’t come out dry.

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