How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last?(You Won’t Believe It!)

Turkey bacon is a delicious, turkey-flavored meat that is great for sandwiches and other dishes. It’s also perfect for the holidays! But what about turkey bacon after it has been opened? How long does turkey bacon last in the fridge? And how should you store it so it lasts longer?

The thing most of us do not know is that turkey bacon will not last forever. If you have turkey bacon leftovers and are wondering how long turkey bacon lasts in the fridge, or if turkey bacon needs to be refrigerated at all, read on!

Whether you’re looking for tips on storing turkey bacon or are simply curious about how much time turkey bacon has left before spoiling, this article is just what you need!

How to Properly Refrigerate Turkey Bacon?

Once turkey bacon has been opened, it should be stored in the fridge. To keep turkey bacon fresh longer (up to one week), you can store it in a heavy-duty freezer bag or shallow airtight containers. This will help to prevent the turkey bacon from drying out.

Turkey bacon will last in the fridge for about three days after it has been opened. This turkey bacon will be safe to consume after three days because the turkey bacon is vacuum-packed, however it may not taste as fresh and juicy as it used to before.


How to Tell if Turkey Bacon Has Gone Bad?

Most turkey bacon will keep in the fridge for a good three days. However, there are some things you should be mindful of when storing turkey bacon. If turkey bacon is stored improperly, it will not last as long. So, if you are wondering how to tell if turkey bacon has gone bad, look for the following sign of spoilage:

– If turkey bacon has a sour smell or bad smell, it has gone bad.

– If turkey bacon is slimy or has a slimy texture, then it’s gone bad.

Just like fresh meat, a fresh turkey bacon shall have a subtle pink color. Bad turkey bacon has lactic acid bacteria, which will make turkey bacon slimy, smelly, and off-colored.

The best way to check when the turkey bacon turns bad is by referring to the expiration date. If turkey bacon has gone bad, then discard bad bacon immediately to prevent food poisoning.


How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Freezer? 

Turkey bacon can last in the freezer for about two to three months. The key to keeping turkey bacon fresh in the freezer is to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, cling wrap or aluminum foil, and then store it in a heavy-duty freezer bag. This will help keep out any moisture and prevent the turkey bacon from getting freezer burn.


How Long Does Unopened Bacon Last In the fridge?

Unopened package of turkey bacon shall last in the fridge for about one weeks without going bad. If you are looking to store turkey bacon for a longer period of time, freezing is the best option.


How to Thaw Frozen Turkey bacon?

If you have frozen raw turkey bacon, it is best to thaw it in the fridge. It will take about 24 hours for the frozen raw bacon to completely thaw. If you need to hurry up the process, you can place the uncooked turkey bacon in a bowl of cold water and change out the water every half hour or so until it has completely thawed. Do not thaw frozen uncooked bacon at room temperature, as this will result in an uneven thaw and may cause bacteria to grow.


How Long Does Cooked Turkey Bacon Last? 

Cooked turkey bacon will last in the fridge for about three to four days. However, turkey bacon that is cooked still has the same shelf life as turkey bacon left in its original vacuum-packed packaging. So if turkey bacon was cooked and is still in the vacuum-packed packaging, it will last for about three to four days.


What to Do With Leftover Turkey Bacon?

If turkey bacon was cooked and has been sitting in the fridge for a few days, it is best to cook it right away. If you have this type of bacon leftovers that are already cooked but not eaten yet, here’s what you can do:

– Add turkey bacon to pasta dishes! Use leftover turkey bacon bits by adding them to pasta dishes, especially turkey bacon lasagna or turkey bacon and mushroom filled raviolis.

– Use turkey bacon for a quick sandwich! If you’re looking to make a fast, easy lunch that is both filling and delicious, turkey bacon sandwiches are what you need this week. You can use turkey bacon slices with mayonnaise or melted cheese on whole wheat bread.

– Bake turkey bacon into a casserole! Turkey bacon is perfect for adding flavor and crunch to your favorite casseroles. Add turkey bacon bits to dishes like macaroni and cheese, chicken noodle soup, or even cornbread dressing.

-Hot dogs are turkey bacon’s best friend! You can use turkey bacon in hot dogs, or even turkey meatballs. Just make sure that the turkey part of turkey bacon is fully cooked before adding turkey bacon to other dishes.

– Add turkey bacon to salads! Use turkey bacon bits with lettuce and tomato in turkey bacon salads.

– Use turkey bacon to top off your side dishes! Add turkey bacon bits on top of mashed potatoes, or even atop corn on the cob.


What is the difference between turkey bacon and pork bacon?

Pork bacon is regular pork that has been cured and smoked. Turkey bacon, on the other hand, is a turkey-flavored meat substitute made from turkey breast or turkey dark meat. Regular bacon contains almost half more fat than turkey bacon does at 22 grams per serving compared to just 14 grams of fat in each serving of turkey bacon. Turkey bacon is better than regular pork bacon because it is not as greasy, has a lower sodium content, and contains fewer calories. Turkey bacon is also a good source of protein with about 24 grams per serving. So, if you are looking for a healthier alternative to real bacon, turkey bacon is the way to go!


How long do you microwave turkey bacon?

In order to microwave turkey bacon, you can place 4 slices of turkey bacon in a single layer on a paper towel lined microwave-safe plate or dish. Microwave the turkey bacon for about one minute on each side. Once done cooking turkey bacon in the microwave oven, place it on a paper towel so that excess grease can be absorbed before eating. You can also cook turkey bacon with a skillet if you do not have a microwave oven. Use medium heat to cook turkey bacon on a skillet and avoid flipping turkey bacon too often to prevent the turkey bacon from getting burnt.


How do you cook turkey bacon in the oven?

To cook turkey bacon in the oven, line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place slices of turkey bacon on top of the parchment paper and then place it in a preheated 350 degree F oven for about 20 minutes or until crisp to experience its best quality.


Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about turkey bacon! Whether you are looking for tips on how to store turkey bacon or are just curious about how long turkey bacon lasts in the fridge, we have you covered! Enjoy your delicious turkey bacon dishes for years to come!

Please check out our other turkey related blog post or food guide for more useful tips.

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