(9 Signs) How To Tell If A Sweet Potato Is Bad

How can you tell if a sweet potato has gone bad? If your sweet potato smells strange, is wet or oozing, or has any other sign of spoilage, it likely means that the sweet potato has gone bad and should be discarded.

To avoid losing your sweet potatoes to spoilage, follow our guideline on how to tell if a sweet potato is bad (9 signs), how long sweet potatoes last and how to store them properly for best keeping.

orange sweet potatoes

How To Tell If A Sweet Potato Is Bad

Sweet potatoes are a type of tuber used in cooking and baking. Like other fresh food products, they can spoil if not stored properly.

Sweet potatoes are a good source of antioxidants, which means they help protect the body against damage from free radicals. They also have low calories, making them a healthy choice. This tuber can be used as an ingredient in many meals, and you may find yourself buying more than you need for a few meals.

Sweet potatoes are versatile root vegetables that can be baked, boiled, or microwaved. You may be wondering, though, how to tell if a sweet potato is bad ? 

If a sweet potato looks or smells bad, it is best to avoid eating it. Sweet potatoes are a fall root vegetable that has a sweet, earthy flavor. They’re perfectly roasted or enjoyed as a side dish. We are not fans of wasting food, which is why we find it so frustrating when we have to dispose of something that is edible but unnecessary.


What Makes Sweet Potatoes Healthy?

Before we begin to delve into the root vegetable life, let’s clarify what exactly makes it so useful since wise scientists say that sweet potato is far healthier than regular potatoes.

Sweet potato contains fibers and antioxidants which promote gut health, protect the body from cancer, and provide vitamins A, C, and B6.

Additionally, sweet potato is a good source of energy for the brain and immune system.

Both sweet potatoes and white potatoes have similar amounts of protein, potassium, and vitamin B6. Both are included on the FDA’s Top 20 Raw Vegetable list, so this food fight is a tie. 

Sweet potato fries are higher in calories and carbs than French fries, but they also have more vitamin A. 


9 Signs/Tips to Tell if A Sweet Potato Have Gone Bad

If you want to keep sweet potatoes fresh for a longer period of time, it is important to check them for signs of spoilage. In most cases, this means looking for brown patches or rot. However, if the sweet potatoes are stored in an environment that is too moist or light, their natural aging process will be accelerated and they may spoil sooner.

If you see any of the following signs, don’t eat the sweet potato!


Skin discoloration is the first sign of sweet potato gone bad. Any color changes to the sweet potatoes is a quite strong sign that the sweet potato has spoiled. If tubers are discolored, their flesh will be yellowish or purple. The skin may also be brown, white, yellowish, red, purple or black in color.

There are two main types of sweet potatoes in the United States: one with a golden skin and creamy white flesh, and another with a copper skin and orange flesh that is sweet and soft.



If you notice an off-odor coming from your sweet potatoes, it’s best to discard them. This means that they have gone bad.



If the sweet potatoes have soft spots when you touch them, they are likely bad. When they reach this stage, their ends will usually start to soften first. Once these areas become mushy, the tubers are most likely gone bad. The taste of the whole tuber will be affected once these parts spoil.



If you spot any small holes in your sweet potatoes after they’ve been cut, it’s not necessarily a sign of trouble. Usually, this is due to variations in temperature or moisture while the tuber is maturing. However, if the raw potatoes are particularly pithy – meaning they have lots of inner flesh – then there may be something wrong.


Wrinkles on Surface

In some cases, you can see wrinkles on the surface of tubers. The reason is the loss of moisture, and such tubers are no longer edible.


Brown or Black Spots And Unusual Growths

If you notice brown or black spots developing on sweet potato surfaces, it is likely that the tubers have started to spoil. 

If you look closely at the skin of a healthy sweet potato, you will not find any dark or brown spots. However, if the sweet potatoes go bad, you will find many brown or dark spots on the skin due to oxidation.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen and causes the pigments in the skin to break down. Also look for any weird growths on peel and throw away tubers if you see them. 

If you see black spots on your peeled sweet potatoes, they are called bruising and they indicate that the potatoes were in contact with each other for an extended period of time. However, these internal black spots do not mean that the potatoes are unsafe to eat- all you need to do is get rid of them.


Mold And Black Rot

If you spot white or green mold on your sweet potatoes, throw them away immediately. If there are only small amounts of it, you can cook the tubers after peeling them carefully.

If you see black spots on your sweet potatoes, it means that they are infected with fungal diseases, and will not be edible. The changes to the tuber will only become visible after a while, and can result in bitter tasting vegetables.


sprouts sweet potato



The so-called eyes on the sweet potato peel are growths that can result in poor quality tubers. However, these spots don’t mean your vegetables are spoiled, and you can eat them without any worry. Some people believe that sprouts can pull nutrients from tubers, which could lead to a decrease in the nutritional value of the tuber over time.

Regardless, it’s best not to consume sprouts and cut them off before preparing the meal.


Sour Taste

If sweet potatoes have gone bad, their taste will be very sour and bitter. If this happens, don’t eat them anymore. Instead, throw them away.


How to Store Sweet Potatoes

There are a few ways to store sweet potatoes so they don’t get bruised or go bad. 

Sweet potatoes can last for a long time if they are stored properly, but raw sweet potatoes will last longer than cooked sweet potatoes.

Do Not Wash Raw Sweet Potatoes

It is best not to rinse raw sweet potatoes, as this can lead to them rotting. If you wash them, they will no longer be shelf-stable and will only last for a week or two. Before storing sweet potatoes, remove any dirt with a dry cloth.


Curing Raw Sweet Potatoes

One way to store raw sweet potatoes is to cure them for 1-2 weeks.

To cure sweet potatoes, you need to put them in a warm and humid environment to increase their flavor and sweetness. This process will create a skin around the sweet potato that will protect against any scratches or bruising. You should keep the sweet potatoes in a room that is around 80-85 degrees Fahrenheit, with 90 percent humidity, for best results.

The more closely you adhere to these guidelines when curing sweet potatoes, the sooner they will cure.

After curing, store your sweet potatoes in an area that is kept around 55 to 60 degrees F. for about 6 to 8 more weeks.

This is so that the curing process can finish. Once this is done, then you will store your sweet potatoes in a root cellar, basement, closet, or anywhere else that is dark, cold, and dry. 

If you cure your sweet potatoes, they can last up to a year. Everyone’s curing process can vary depending on their proximity to the recommended conditions.

If you want to be on the safe side, it is a good idea to meet the recommended conditions and allow your potatoes to stay in them for about a week. If your potatoes begin to darken, then you know that they are being stored in colder than desired temperatures.


Store Cooked Sweet Potatoes In Container or Bag

If your sweet potatoes are already cooked, storing them is fairly simple. Put your cooked sweet potatoes in a shallow container or food storage zipper gallon bag and place in the refrigerator for short-term use. Cooked sweet potatoes can last in the fridge for 3 to 5 days if they are covered. To keep sweet potatoes fresh for a longer period of time, store them in an airtight container.


Where to Store Sweet Potatoes

Store Sweet Potatoes at Basement

To get the most out of your raw and uncooked sweet potatoes, it’s best to store them in a cool and dry place, without contact with direct sunlight or sources of heat.  This can be in a garage, basement or cellar.

If you have a basement, you can store vegetables there. The best option is to place sweet potatoes in a well-ventilated basket and keep them at 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If your sweet potatoes do not meet the conditions listed below, they may sprout or rot. To keep them fresh, avoid washing them before storing.


Store Sweet Potatoes In Pantry

Keep your sweet potatoes away from other vegetables to prevent them from ripening more quickly.

To preserve sweet potatoes, you need to buy them fresh and treat them with an appropriate preservation method. The best way to do this is to buy the sweet potatoes immediately after they are harvested and allow them to dry out completely. Then store them in a paper bag, basket, or string bag so that they can breathe.

To keep your sweet potatoes fresh and edible, store them in a dark and dry pantry at a temperature of 45 to 55 degrees F. Don’t store onions next to your food items since they’ll speed up each other’s decay.


Store Sweet Potatoes In Fridge

It is not recommended to keep sweet potatoes in the fridge since they can develop woody white spots on their flesh. This will make them tasteless and have poor texture.

Many people cut sweet potatoes in the morning to have them ready when they come home from work. It is a practical way to make it easier for yourself, but take care to do it properly. Place the slices in water in an airtight container and store them in the fridge. It is recommended to use these slices within 24 hours, but they can last for a few days if stored in shallow airtight containers.

To keep your cooked sweet potatoes tasty, store them in an airtight container in the fridge. Adding lemon juice to mashed sweet potatoes will help prevent them from turning color in the fridge. Always let them cool down for about 20 to 30 minutes before storing this way.


Store Sweet Potatoes In Freezer

You shouldn’t store fresh sweet potatoes in the freezer, but you can place your favorite sweet potato fries or cooked sweet potatoes in an airtight container to protect them from moisture and freeze them. Freezing sweet potatoes is one of the great ways to enjoy them all year round.

Sweet potatoes can be frozen baked, broiled or mashed. Boiled sweet potatoes have a negligible effect on blood sugar levels, compared to other varieties such as fried, roasted, or baked versions. Consider a few different ways you can cook and then freeze sweet potatoes so that they are easy to grab and go when you need them. 

To avoid freezer burn and unpleasant texture, cook sweet potatoes before freezing. Let the cooked sweet potatoes cool to normal room temperature before placing them in a freezer bag, sealable plastic bag or airtight container.

Sweet potatoes have high water content. Cooking potatoes before freezing them is the easiest way to avoid having watery and mushy frozen potatoes and freezer burnt food.


What to Avoid Once Sweet Potatoes Are Cured

The two main culprits to avoid when curing sweet potatoes are cold temperatures and light. Keeping your sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place will preserve their color and prevent them from becoming spoiled.

Covering your sweet potatoes with a layer of aluminum foil before storing will help to prevent them from bruising. Additionally, be gentle when handling and store your sweet potatoes in cool, dry areas.


Shelf Life of Sweet Potatoes

The length of time that sweet potatoes stay fresh depends on a variety of factors, including how they’re stored and whether they’ve been cooked.

Sweet potatoes can last anywhere from a week to a few months when stored uncooked in cool temperatures.

Once cooked, sweet potatoes will last in the fridge for 3-4 days and 1 year in the freezer. However, the quality of mashed potatoes decreases when frozen.


Frequently Asked Questions About How To Tell If A Sweet Potato Is Bad

Can old sweet potatoes make you sick?

If you find rotten sweet potatoes with the presence of mold spots, be careful because these root vegetables can contain dangerous bacteria that can lead to food poisoning. So, if you see any bad sweet potatoes, toss them away and protect your health.

If you’re very sensitive to bad food, you may not feel well if you only eat a small amount of it. However, there is no nasty aftermath possible unless you consume a whole plate of rotten vegetables.


What do bad sweet potatoes smell like?

If the skin of the sweet potato has turned black, yellow, purple, brown, red or white then it is likely to be spoiled. If the sweet potato develops an unpleasant rotten smell then it should be discarded as it may not be safe to eat.


What does expired sweet potato look like?

Some common traits of bad sweet potatoes are that they may become discolored, get soft and wet, and water may leak from them. Besides, black or dark brown skin clearly shows that the sweet potato has gone bad.

If a part of the sweet potato is rotten, the whole tuber should be discarded.


Is sprouted sweet potato safe to eat?

Some people refer to these spots on sweet potato peel as “eyes,” and they believe that if the eyes are present, then the sweet potato is likely to be of poor quality. However, this isn’t always the case. It doesn’t mean that the vegetable is spoiled.

In fact, you can consume them without any problem at all. However, if sweet potatoes have shriveled and become soft, this indicates that the nutrients have been absorbed into the growing sprout.


Can you reheat cooked sweet potatoes?

Yes, you can reheat cooked sweet potatoes in the oven, microwave, or pan.


Why is sweet potato oozing white?

When you slice your sweet potatoes, a white substance sometimes will seep out. This is completely normal and safe to eat. It’s a mixture of sugar and starch made up of polysaccharides that can produce energy for your body.

Therefore, if you see the white ooze, you don’t have to throw your sweet potatoes away or return to the grocery store. 

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